Does the flooring of your commercial business look faded or old? Are you worried that customers or clients may get the wrong impression of your business if they see your flooring? If so, it may be time to update your space with commercial epoxy flooring.

However, many business owners in Tacoma are unaware of epoxy flooring, let alone commercial epoxy flooring. This guide will discuss what epoxy is, what commercial epoxy is, how it differs from residential and industrial epoxy and everything you should know about these surfaces.

What Is Epoxy?

Epoxy is a type of resin that is created when two chemicals are combined. Once these chemicals are mixed together, they create a reaction that causes the mixture to harden into a solid surface. This solid surface can be used as flooring in both residential and commercial settings.

What Is Commercial Epoxy Flooring?

Commercial epoxy flooring is a type of flooring that uses epoxy resin to create a durable and long-lasting surface. This type of flooring is typically used in commercial settings such as office buildings, retail stores, restaurants, and more.

How Is Commercial Epoxy Flooring Different from Residential and Industrial Epoxy Flooring?

One of the main differences between commercial epoxy flooring and residential or industrial epoxy flooring is the thickness of the epoxy coating. The epoxy coating on commercial floors is typically much thicker than the coating on residential or industrial floors. This is because commercial floors see a lot more foot traffic than other types of floors, so they need to be more durable.

Another difference between commercial epoxy flooring and other types of epoxy flooring is the color. Commercial epoxy flooring is available in a variety of colors, which allows businesses to customize the look of their space. Residential and industrial epoxy flooring is typically only available in clear or neutral colors.

What Are Some of the Best Areas for Commercial Epoxy Flooring?

Some of the best areas for commercial epoxy flooring include office buildings, retail stores, restaurants, and more. This type of flooring is perfect for high-traffic areas because it is durable and easy to clean.

You can expect to see commercial epoxy flooring in areas like:

– Office buildings: Reception areas, hallways, conference rooms, and more

– Retail stores: Showrooms, sales floors, storage rooms, and more

– Restaurants: Kitchens, dining rooms, bathrooms, and more

Benefits of Commercial Epoxy Flooring

There are many benefits of commercial epoxy flooring, including: 

Durable: Commercial epoxy flooring is very durable and can last for many years with proper care.

Easy to clean: These floors are easy to clean and maintain, which is perfect for businesses that see a lot of foot traffic.

Customizable: Commercial epoxy flooring comes in a variety of colors, so businesses can customize the look of their space.

Slip-resistant: Epoxy floors are slip-resistant, which is important in commercial settings where there is a lot of foot traffic.

Maintenance for Commercial Epoxy Flooring

To maintain your commercial epoxy flooring, you should sweep or vacuum it regularly to remove dirt and debris. You should also mop the floor with a mild soap and water solution. If there are any spills on the floor, you should clean them up immediately to prevent staining.

A regular maintenance schedule for commercial epoxy flooring may contain: 

Sweeping or vacuuming the floor regularly

Mopping the floor with a mild soap and water solution

Cleaning up any spills immediately

If you follow these maintenance tips, your commercial epoxy flooring will last for many years!

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers About Commercial Epoxy Flooring 

Q: Is commercial epoxy durable? 

A: Yes, commercial epoxy flooring is very durable and can last for many years with proper care.

Q: Is commercial epoxy easy to clean? 

A: Yes, these floors are easy to clean and maintain, which is perfect for businesses that see a lot of foot traffic.

Q: What are some of the best areas for commercial epoxy flooring? 

A: Some of the best areas for commercial epoxy flooring include office buildings, retail stores, restaurants, and more.

Q: How thick is the epoxy coating on commercial floors? 

A: The epoxy coating on commercial floors is typically much thicker than the coating on residential or industrial floors. This is because commercial floors see a lot more foot traffic than other types of floors, so they need to be more durable.

Q: What colors are available for commercial epoxy flooring? 

A: Commercial epoxy flooring is available in a variety of colors, which allows businesses to customize the look of their space. Residential and industrial epoxy flooring is also available in a variety of colors.

Q: How can I maintain my commercial epoxy flooring? 

A: To maintain your commercial epoxy flooring, you should sweep or vacuum it regularly to remove dirt and debris. You should also mop the floor with a mild soap and water solution. If there are any spills on the floor, you should clean them up immediately to prevent staining.

Commercial epoxy flooring is a great choice for businesses that need a durable and easy-to-clean flooring option. This type of flooring comes in a variety of colors and textures so that companies can customize the look of their space. It is also slip-resistant, which is essential in high-traffic areas. 

Reach out to a licensed professional to install commercial epoxy flooring in your business today!